Accredited courses

Take an accredited exam at Dr.Nek Salon. Learn something new and get accredited thanks to the authorized professional exam of the Ministry of Education and Science. Before the exam itself, we recommend taking a so-called retraining course. In this course you will learn everything you will learn on the authorized professional examination. If you are experienced, you can take the exam without the accreditation course.


1 items total
Sports masseur- Authorized professional examination of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Czech Republic
277,70 €

Authorized examination of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Czech Republic Sports massage. The output is a certificate of the obtained qualification Masseur, on the...

Code: 534

Accredited courses and examinations for masseurs and beauticians are suitable for anyone who wants to broaden their knowledge. The advantage is that after completing the course and exam you can also practice the activities you have learned in your own salon!

You can arrange dates individually according to your needs. Arrange your accreditation course or exam today!

In our category of accredited courses for masseurs and beauticians are completed with a professional exam where you will demonstrate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to perform these professions. Successful completion of the professional exam entitles you to obtain the official certification required for the trade authority.


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